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The Magnet and the Iron: John Brown and George L. Stearns The Stories Behind the Busts

Program for the Dedication of the Stearns Estate Marker, 1987

Exhibit Description:
Program for the dedication ceremonies of the Stearns Estate marker in front of Cousens Gymnasium, held April 8, 1987. The dedication consisted of several speakers and a performance of "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" ("Battle Hymn of the Republic," sung to the tune of "John Brown's Body") by Julia Ward Howe of Medford.
Tufts DCA
Attribution Statement:
Tufts Digital Collections and Archives
Exhibit Tags:
Stearns EstateGeorge L. StearnsCousens GymnasiumTufts UniversityTufts DCAmusicMary E. StearnsdocumentsJulia Ward HoweMedford