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George L. Stearns
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- Exhibit Description:
- Excerpt from the will of Mary E. Stearns, 1901. She dictates that a third part each of her remaining estate holdings should be given to Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Berea College, and Tuskegee College, for "The George L. Stearns Memorial Fund of [that College]" for the purpose of "promoting in those several institutions the education and elevation of the youth of the South, and especially of the youth of the colored race, in whose interest and welfare my deceased husband George L. Stearns ever felt such a profound interest and to which he gave such devoted service."
- Attribution:
- Stearns, Mary E.
- Exhibit Tags:
- Mary E. StearnsGeorge L. StearnsTuskegee UniversityHampton UniversityBerea CollegeMiddlesex Probate and Family Courtdocuments

- Exhibit Description:
- Excerpts from the handwritten will of Mary E. Stearns, who died in December 1901. The excepts itemize a number of specific objects in her house that she would like to be donated to Tufts College after her sons are finished with them. The text reads, "Also to hold for the use and enjoyment of the said Henry during his life the following described articles of personal property situated in the house where I now reside namely: my tall "grandfather's clock" on the front stairway, the "highboy," the cabinet, the tripod table, the old English mirror, all the old-fashioned chairs which belonged to my deceased husband, the bust of John Brown, the bust of George L. Stearns, the bust of Beethoven, the bust of Emerson, the bust of Clytie, the Venus of Milo, and the several paintings painted by my old friend Christopher P. Cranch, excepting only the one hereinbefore given to Lenora Cranch Scott, said articles all to be kept, preserved and used by him during his life in the house where I now live and not elsewhere."
- Attribution:
- Stearns, Mary E.
- Exhibit Tags:
- Mary E. StearnsFrank P. StearnsTufts UniversityGeorge L. StearnsMiddlesex Probate and Family CourtdocumentsStearns EstateHenry L. Stearns