Photograph of Edward N. Hallowell when he was a captain in the 20th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. He later became the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
Perhaps the first publication of the text of the "John Brown Song," with the notation at the bottom reading, "From an Original in the Possession of Mr. Abram E. Cutter of Charlestown." Republished in George Kimball, "Origin of the John Brown Song", New England Magazine, vol. 7, no. 4 (1889), 374.
Photograph of Norwood Penrose Hallowell while he was a captain in the 20th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. He later became the commander of the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
The hilt of the sword used by Colonel Edward Needles Hallowell of Medford and the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. The label reads, "This is a German-made infantry officer's sword." On the hilt is the following inscription: "Major E. N. Hallowell 54th. Regiment Mass Infantry."
Song text for "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe. Published by the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments during the Civil War.
Photograph of Major George Luther Stearns in his military uniform. Stearns received his rank while serving as "Recruiting Commissioner for the U.S. Colored Troops" for the War Department in 1863.
Attribution Statement:
Image courtesy of the West Virginia State Archives, John Brown/Boyd B. Stutler Collection
Photograph of Sergeant William Carney of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, around the time he received the Medal of Honor for saving the American flag during the Second Battle of Fort Wagner in 1863.
Illustrated broadside of the Emancipation Proclamation, showing portraits of some of the Founding Fathers and notable abolitionists, including Gerrit Smith, Charles Sumner, Wendell Phillips, and Lydia Maria Child. Printed by L. Franklin Smith, Philadelphia, PA, 1865.
Etching appearing in Harper's Weekly of the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment singing "John Brown's Body." The caption reads, "'Marching on!--The Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Colored Regiment Singing John Brown's March in the Streets of Charleston, February 21, 1865.--[See page 172.]"
Portrait of Major George L. Stearns with his signature, taken in his military recruiter uniform. The portrait was taken by the Pack Brothers of Cambridge, MA, in 1863.
Pack Brothers
Attribution Statement:
Courtesy of the Medford Historical Society & Museum
Bronze relief by Augustus Saint-Gaudens commemorating Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, the first formally recognized black regiment in the Union. The Memorial is borders the Boston Common and Beacon Street across from the front steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston. The memorial took the artist 13 years to complete. It was dedicated on May 31, 1897. Visible in the upper corner are the Latin words "Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam," which translates to "He relinquished everything to serve the Republic." This photograph was taken in August 2017.
Albumen print of Sojourner Truth, formerly enslaved, seated with photograph of her grandson, James Caldwell of Company H, 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, on her lap. Caldwell was held as a prisoner-of-war by the Confederacy at James Island, South Carolina, 1863-1865.
Attribution Statement:
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Liljenquist Family collection
Reverse of the Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Massachusetts Regiment Memorial in Boston. The text reads, "To the Fifty-fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry The White Officers taking life and honor in their hands cast in their lot with men of despised race unproved in war and risked death as inciters of servile insurrection if taken prisoners besides encountering all the common perils of camp march and battle. The Black Rank and File volunteered when disaster clouded the union cause served without pay for eighteen months till given that of white troops faced threatened enslave- ment if captured were brave in action patient under heavy and dangerous labors and cheerful among hardships and privations. Together they gave to the nation and the world undying proof that Americans of African descent possess the pride courage and devotion of the patriot soldier. One hundred and eighty thousand such Americans enlisted under the union flag in MDCCCLXIII–MDCCCLXV." This photograph was taken in August 2017.