Tufts College, about 1865, from a map drawn by Prof. Charles E. Fay
- Date:
- 1942
- Exhibit Description:
- A map of Tufts College about ten years after it opened, from a map drawn by Charles E. Fay, with a key to the buildings given below the map. Note College Hill Station (building W) at the corner of the Boston & Lowell Railroad and College Avenue leading to the Stearns Estate just off the edge of the map. This map appeared on page 148 of The Tuftonian, Vol. 2, No. 4 (May 1942).
- Source:
- Tufts DCA UP001.001.043.00004
- Attribution:
- Fay, Charles E.; The Tuftonian
- Attribution Statement:
- Tufts Digital Collections and Archives